Monday, March 12, 2007

You're Amazing!

My niece was over for dinner last night, and after dinner we were all playing cards. (My niece is 3, so she wasn't so much playing as helping us play.) Mid way thru the game Bill was shuffling the cards and she says with the sweetest voice I have ever heard... "You're Amazing!!!"

For me, all of time just kind of stood still for a little while as she continued to praise Bill.

(Little background)... I love my husband, but I have the hardest time just being cheesy and falling all over him sometimes. I would much rather be very practical and say thank you or something, but those of you who know him, you also know how much he loves cheesy-ness. I have been praying to be a more supportive wife and be able to speak Bill's language better and well.... here is my little niece giving me a great example (... out of the mouths of babes).

So, I have a new phrase in my vocabulary.... "Bill, you are amazing!"

It makes his chest just puff with pride, and for me, that is a long overdue sight!
(I'm a little slow, but I am learning!)

Why do Daddy's say No?

Daddy's say "No" becasue they love us!

I have a 14 month old (the cutest 14 month old in the whold world by the way) who is hearing "no" often theses days. The other day I was in the process of explaining to her that Daddy's say "no" becase they love us and it dawned on me ... it is the same with our Heavenly Father. He doesn't say "no" because He wants to with hold something from us, He says no for our saftey!

It was rhema to me because I have been hearing "no" a lot myself lately.

Thank you Lord for saying "no" ...thank you for loving me .... and thank you for teaching me!